Games & Quizes

Biological clocks

This worksheet accompanies the webinar “Biological clocks in the Arctic”. Related Polarpedia terms: biological clocks, circadian rhythm, hibernation, midnight sun, phenology, polar night, polar syndrome, winter darkness

Categories: Worksheets


Did you know there are mushrooms even in the Arctic? Use this worksheet to learn about the role of mushrooms in nature. It is possibly larger and more diverse than you are aware of. Relevant Polarpedia terms: fungi, decomposer, mycorrhiza, lichen, symbiosis

Categories: Worksheets

Worksheet Great Migrations

Migrations are more than just a magnificent spectacle to the eye. We mostly associate this term with birds, but in fact it is found in all major animal groups, including birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and crustaceans. What makes animals undertake this dangerous journey? How do they manage to find the way – and survive? Meet the […]

Categories: Worksheets
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