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Geostationary orbit

A geostationary orbit – is an orbit, on which a time of a full rotation of a satellite over the Earth is equal to one rotation of Earth around its axis. The effect of this relationship is an appearance of immobility of the satellite relative to the Earth’s surface. From the surface it leaves impression of a satellite hanging over a particular spot of the Earth. The height of geostationary orbit is constant and strictly calculated. For Earth it is 35786 km over the equator. Often, however, an approximate distance is quoted – 36000 km.

Meteorological satellites are placed on geostationary orbits, because they have to monitor the same region and take images of it very often. Telecommunication satellites are also placed at this height, as they should beam their signal (radio or TV) to the same places constantly

Visualisation of a telecommunication satellite on the geostationary orbit:

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