Polarpedia has information categorized by main topics. Click on an icon below to view the available terms.


Este o aură de lumina, ce apare la capatul opus sursei de lumina (cum ar fi soarele). Este compusă din unul sau mai multe inele colorate, ce apar in jurul unei umbre, în nori sau în ceață. Este o margine lucioasă în jurul unei umbre sau în jurul unui punct acolo unde umbra sa ar putea să cadă; Anticorona este de asemenea cunoscut ca Spectrul defect, Arcul defect (numele unui munte înceţoşat din Germania unde alpiniştii observă adesea umbra lor în ceaţa de dedesubt), sau spectrul montan.

Polarpedia has information categorized by main topics. Click on an icon below to view the available terms.
Polarpedia terms are created by EDU-ARCTIC Consortium, which holds responsibility for quality of translations in following languages: Polish, French, Danish, Norwegian, German, Russian, Italian, unless indicated otherwise. If you see an error - please contact us: edukacja@igf.edu.pl.
European Union flag This project (EDU-ARCTIC) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 710240. The content of the website is the sole responsibility of the Consortium and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.
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