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Precipitation is the (liquid and solid) water droplets that fall from clouds and reach the surface. The falling liquid droplets include drizzle and rain, the solid water droplets include snow and hail. Precipitation forms when the growing cloud droplets become so big that they fall under their own weight.

Precipitation is a key factor in the development of plants and hence agriculture.

Deserts are characterised by extremely low precipitation.

EUMETSAT H-SAF PR-OBS-5 Production Satellite Area CNMCA

The figure shows the level of precipitation observed from satellite during the 2nd of June 2017 over Europe. This type of precipitation map is also used to test model weather forecasts.

Polarpedia has information categorized by main topics. Click on an icon below to view the available terms.
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European Union flag This project (EDU-ARCTIC) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 710240. The content of the website is the sole responsibility of the Consortium and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.
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