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Arctic mammals: living on the edge – Kahoot! quiz

Kahoot! quiz about how physiological adaptations in arctic mammals are designed to keep the them healthy and thriving in a cold and challenging environment.

You need a computer with Internet access, a multimedia projector and loudspeakers. The students also need devices with Internet access (smartphones, tablets or laptops). If not all students have the necessary equipment, the quiz should be done in teams.

  1. Click the PLAY button
  2. Select game mode: “Classic” or “Team” mode. In classic mode, students answer the questions individually. In team mode, students do the quiz in teams and there is a longer time between questions so that the studenst can discuss their ideas before answering.
  3. A number (known as the Game PIN) will appear on the screen. Students go to kahoot.it and enter the PIN number (no log-in etc. is required). Next, they enter names, which will appear on the screen.ATTENTION: If a nickname of offensive character is entered (not uncommon with teenagers), the quiz leader can delete the player from the game. Their name will disappear from the screen.


  4. Once all students have entered the pin, the teacher clicks “Start”. After each question the teacher need to click “Next” in order to proceed through the quiz.

Related Polarpedia terms: physiological adaptations, delayed implantation, alveolus, natural selection, evolution.

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