Games & Quizes


Play POLAR BINGO! Download 24 versions of BINGO cards (2 per A4 page). On each card there are 25 POLARPEDIA terms. Terms are identical on all the cards, only in different order. Print them and cut them. Each students receives one card. There are also 25 small sheets with Words+definitions/clues. Print them and cut them […]

Categories: Miscellanea

International Space Day – space rocks

12 April is the International Day of Human Space Flight and May the 4th is the International Space Day. To celebrate the two we present a short lecture by Julian Podgórski from IGF PAS. Its topic is space rocks and explains the meaning of words such as meteor, planetoid or meteorite.  

Categories: Miscellanea
Polarpedia terms are created by EDU-ARCTIC Consortium, which holds responsibility for quality of translations in following languages: Polish, French, Danish, Norwegian, German, Russian, Italian, unless indicated otherwise. If you see an error - please contact us:
European Union flag This project (EDU-ARCTIC) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 710240. The content of the website is the sole responsibility of the Consortium and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.
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