a long ridge built from diagonally layered sands and gravels with waving crest (Fig. 1) or a series of elongated hills created by meltwater flowing through subglacial (subglacial eskers) or englacial (englacial eskers) channels or along open crevices on a glacier’s surface (supraglacial eskers). Subglacial eskers are often located within subglacial trough. Most often, they are perpendicular to the front of the glacier or ice sheet, which created them.
- Fig. 1. An esker close to Gatschof, Mecklenburg Lake Plateau (public domain)
- Fig. 2. Turtulan Esker, a series of hills at the bottom of a subglacial trough. (Suwałki Lakeland) (Geoportal).
- Fig.3. Turtulian esker , the hills are marked as „21”. SMGP 1:50000 Ark.72 Jeleniewo.
- Fig. 4. Lateral cross section of esker. P – bedrock; 1,2,3,4 – hills of esker in the order of creation; a – till cover; the arrow indicates the retreat of the glacial ice sheet. (Lindner (ed) 1992).