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Space analogue

Space analogues are relevant terrestrial substitutes, that is, analogues, for teams operating in extraterrestrial and microgravity environments; it’s an infrastructure for academic research and technological development.

A space mission’s crewmembers are the most important group of people involved and, thus, their emotions and interpersonal interactions have gained significant attention. Because crewmembers are confined in an isolated environment, the aim is to identify possible changes in the emotional states, group dynamics, displacement, and leadership of crewmembers during a long isolation period.

Space analogues are usually located in remote areas with harsh conditions (deserts, polar regions). BLSS – Bioregenerative life support system are a special type of space analogue.

These are artificial enclosed ecological systems composed of plants, animals and microorganisms. The essentials for human life, such as oxygen, water and food, can be recycled and regenerated in the system, so as to provide the astronauts with an environment similar to the Earth.

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