Games & Quizes

Spot the connection!

You will see 16 buttons with 16 terms. They form 4 groups. Your task is to connect 4 matching words and create a group. What do they have in common? What are they associated with? After that, you can either guess (for extra points) or reveal what is the group. EXAMPLE: cat, dog, horse, mouse […]

Categories: Online games

Łowcy wiedzy

Podziel uczniów na drużyny “łowców wiedzy”. W każdej drużynie jeden uczeń musi mieć urządzenie mobilne z aplikacją do odczytywania kodów QR. Zadaniem drużyny jest odnalezienie kodów, ukrytych wcześniej w szkole/klasie/na boisku. Po zeskanowaniu kodu pojawia się pytanie. Wygrywa drużyna, która w wyznaczonym czasie (np. 30 minut) wróci z z największą liczbą poprawnych odpowiedzi. Pobierz tabelę […]

Categories: Gry i quizy, Teamwork
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Avete mai sentito parlare di gioco arcade PAC MAN?

Avete mai sentito parlare di gioco arcade PAC MAN? Il famoso PAC MAN era estremamente popolare negli anni ottanta. Magari i vostri genitori eravano i maestri? Se sei un fan delle serie STRANGER THINGS, dovresti saperlo bene 🙂 Come si gioca? Il giocatore deve guidare una creatura sferica di colore giallo, chiamata Pac-Man, facendole mangiare […]

Categories: Online games
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European Union flag This project (EDU-ARCTIC) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 710240. The content of the website is the sole responsibility of the Consortium and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.
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