Online jigsaw – PUFFIN
Who doesn’t love jigsaws? Who will be the fastest to match all the elements and recreate PUFFIN’S photo?
Categories: Online gamesWho doesn’t love jigsaws? Who will be the fastest to match all the elements and recreate PUFFIN’S photo?
Categories: Online gamesIn Cryptograms you are given sentences in which letters are substituted with numbers. You can break the code by watching for the frequency of certain letters. In this game you get 5 cryptograms for encoding, each is a part of a different polarpedia term. For each you receive one clue. Download instruction with answers/clues and encrypted sentences.
Categories: MiscellaneaYou have 12 questions to answer, but first you have to get to them through a maze. Ready….steady…..go!
Categories: MiscellaneaGlobal Seed Vault in danger? In real life it is very well protected, but why don’t we use some imagination? Unlimited number of teams (2-5 students each) can play. Each team receives a map to mark resolving riddles on check-points. On check points (up to 110 they receive CARDS with tasks. Let the fastest/the best team […]
Categories: TeamworkMigrations are more than just a magnificent spectacle to the eye. We mostly associate this term with birds, but in fact it is found in all major animal groups, including birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and crustaceans. What makes animals undertake this dangerous journey? How do they manage to find the way – and survive? Meet the […]
Categories: WorksheetsWe invite you to travel in the land of mammoths … and not only!
Categories: WorksheetsDo you know ‘who am I’ game? It’s great as icebreaker and educational tool. Place one of the BADEGS on the upper back or better forehead of each player (use tape). Once everyone has a BADGE on their back, explain the rules to everyone: each person must try to figure out which ARCTIC ANIMAL they […]
Categories: MiscellaneaWordsearch puzzle: find 5 Polarpedia terms. Check cathegories: Atmosphere, Ice & Snow, Animals & Plants, Land & Geology. You have 5 minutes to find 5 words hidden among letters. Look at the number of letter. All are Pollarpedia terms. Check from left to right, from top to bottom.
Categories: Online gamesMatch definitions and terms. Check Polarpedia cathegories: Atmosphere, Ice & Snow, Animals & Plants, Land & Geology, People & Society. Configure matching columns. You have 5 minutes to match them all. You have 5 attempts.
Categories: Online gamesMatch definitions and images (check Polarpedia cathegory: Animals & Plants). You have 2 minutes, 5 attempts. Click on matching fields to “connect” them.
Categories: Online games