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Medieval Warm Period

Climatic Optimum (also known as MWP, the Little Climatic Optimum, Medieval Warm Period, or Medieval Warm Epoch) refers to a period of climatic history during which temperatures in Europe and neighboring regions of the North Atlantic are believed to have been comparable to, or to have even exceeded, those of the late 20th century.

It is estimated to have lasted approximately 950-1300 AD. Evidence to date indicates that current global temperatures are higher now than at the peak global temperature of the Medieval Warm Period. It was not a global event, The climatic effects of this period were confined primarily to Europeand North America, but for example, the eastern Pacific was cooler and drier.

Medieval warmth was restricted to two-three 20–30 year intervals, with composite values during these times being only comparable to the mid-20 th century warm time interval.

Many scientists have noted that the interval was characterized by an increase in incoming solar radiation paired with a relative absence of volcanic activity and changes in oceanic circulation.

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